Aug 18, 2011

Unsolved Mystery: Our Satellite - The Moon

Previously, I had made a post on hoax of moon landing and now I'm going to post the mysterious side of the moon. Before we are going start, do you know that why Transformer 3 is being named Dark Of The Moon? It is because we always face the same side of the moon and the other side of the moon is remained unseen which is called 'dark side of the moon' ! Found a video on Youtube to deliver a clearer explanation.

NASA crashes probes onto the surface, they said it "rang like a gong or a bell" for around four hours. Does it mean that the moon is hollow?
Did you hear that? The moon is occupied by some extraterrestrial (ET) races?

Is our moon artificial? Are aliens live on the moon? Are there any civilization on the moon? Who can explain the UFOs on the moon? We never know...

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