Jul 31, 2011

Unsolved Mystery: Did We Land on the Moon?

More than 40 years after Neil Armstrong first stepped on the Moon, some say the Apollo Moon Landings never took place, and were faked here on Earth.

Title of programme- Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land On The Moon?
(Warning: Lower down your speaker volume as the music at the beginning of the programme is quite loud.)

All the photos below are taken from National Geographic.
Landing Hoax Myths:
Flag Wave
Some of the Apollo video shows the American flag fluttering. How can the flag flutter when there is no wind on the airless Moon?
"the video you see where the flag's moving is because the astronaut just placed it there, and the inertia from when they let go kept it moving," said spaceflight historian Roger Launius, of the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C. 

No Stars Visible
The astronauts made no such exclamation while on the moon, and the black backgrounds of their photographs are curiously devoid of stars.
the moon's surface reflects sunlight, and that glare would have made stars difficult to see. Also, the astronauts photographed their lunar adventures using fast exposure settings, which would have limited incoming background light.
"They were taking pictures at 1/150th or 1/250th of a second," Bad Astronomy's Plait said. "In that amount of time, stars just don't show up."

No Landing Crater
The module is shown sitting on relatively flat, undisturbed soil. According to skeptics, the lander's descent should have been accompanied by a large dust cloud and would have formed a noticeable crater. 
The lander's engines were throttled back just before landing, and it did not hover long enough to form a crater or kick up much dust, the Smithsonian's Launius said.

Lighting Varies
Aldrin is seen in the shadow of the lander, yet he is clearly visible. Hoax subscribers say that many shadows look strange in Apollo pictures. Some shadows don't appear to be parallel with each other, and some objects in shadow appear well lit, hinting that light was coming from multiple sources—suspiciously like studio cameras. 
There were multiple light sources, Launius said. "You've got the sun, the Earth's reflected light, light reflecting off the lunar module, the spacesuits, and also the lunar surface." 

There are a lot of hoax theories that are not included in this post and yet mountains of facts and evidences which against the hoax theories out there. Did we land on the moon? Judge yourself.

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