Jul 9, 2013

Scientific 7 Minute Workout

Scientific 7 Minute Workout

What is the 7 Minute Workout?
If you don't know what the 7 minute workout is, its a workout based on a recent fitness science journal that says instead of having to work out a minimum of 20-30 minutes a day at medium intensity, you can do it in 7 minutes a day as long as the workout is high-intensity.

Words from AggieDev:
Why make this app?
Now why make this app if there are several others that are based on this workout? I myself use this workout and have used both 7-min.com and several android apps, but none included all of the features that I wanted if I am actually going to take the workout seriously when using it. I made sure to include:
  • Scrolling up and down during an exercise to be able to select other exercises in the workout and switch to them. I am tired of every single 7-minute workout being based on one workout per screen, it simply doesn't make sense for a workout exercise and is too restrictive.
  • Workout logging. This, I feel, is essential to ANY workout app, yet only 1 implementation of the exercise that I've seen includes it, and even that one doesn't show how many times that day you have done the workout, which is odd seeing as the exercise is to be completed 2-3 times each time once you get good at it. This app tracks each day you do the workout, how many times you have done it to completion, and in the options you can set whether you want it to log your workout if you skip forward at all or not.
  • Voice to guide you through the workout. Due to the nature of this app being a workout app, you most likely don't want to be looking at the screen the whole entire time, just when you want to see an update of what you're doing. The voice tells you when to start workouts and how long to rest for.
  • Customize how long you want the breaks to be.
  • Progress bar for not only the current workout, but for the entire exercise as well. This is surprisingly not included in most if not all apps that I used.

Google Play Store | XDA Developer Forum via AggieDev

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