Sep 23, 2013

Free Cloud Storage

Just a few short years ago, cloud storage services that synced files and folders across multiple PCs and mobile devices were just a dream. But thanks to the rapid rise of entities like Dropbox, SugarSync, and Google Drive, cloud storage and syncing services are nearly ubiquitous today, acting as hard drives in the sky that help you do all kinds of things. With some patience, you can build your own supercloud with more than 200GB of free storage. With a lot of patience (and pestering of your pals), you can nab more than 400GB. And all that online storage is free-as-in-free-beer free.

Your first step should be to grab all of the services that install dedicated areas in the Favourites column of Windows Explorer. Next, get more free storage by referring your friend or connecting to social media.

Dropbox should be your choice for file syncing. Box, SpiderOak, SkyDrive and MediaFire are solid options too. SugarSync lets you choose specific folders to sync, rather than forcing you to dump all of your files into a central location.

Don't rely exclusively on Mega (formerly known as Megaupload) for file storage, and make sure that you have backups handy in case Mega goes the way of Megaupload.

Jolidrive from Jolicloud creates a cloud services dashboard that displays your Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, SugarSync, and Ubuntu One files in one location. Jolidrive is especially helpful when you’re on a public PC and you need access to your cloud files. Cloudkafé offers similar service too, supported services include Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, SugarSync, SkyDrive, and Yandex.Disk.

And that’s it. Welcome to your fully functional and uber-flexible hard drive in the cloud! 

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